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Below are two of my strongest skillsets.
Please feel free to have a look around

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I have a broad knowledge and understanding of Adobe software due to creating a lot of my designs within some of these platforms. This includes Illustrator, which I am extremely proficient in, and love how it is laid out and operates. I also love Photoshop and InDesign as it allows my creativity to thrive. Although I know how to use these well, I am a fast learner so I am interested in studying more to expand my knowledge.


I have recently found a passion for photography in my travels, as I believe it is the best way to capture a moment forever. The camera I use is a Canon 600D as this is a very easy camera to operate but the outcomes are very professional. I absolutely love taking pictures of nature and buildings as the contrast is amazing, the fluidity of nature mixed with the sharpness of man-made structures always intrigues me.

My Specialties: Services
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